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EHRC names and shames organisations for failing to report gender pay gap data

The EHRC has named six organisations for failing to report their 2023-24 gender pay gap data by the deadline. The EHRC has highlighted that failing to provide this data prevents organisations from evaluating their pay disparities and addressing potential discrimination.

In England, public sector employers are required to publish their gender pay gap data by 30 March. Whereas, private and voluntary sector employers across Britain and some public sector bodies in England are required to publish their gender pay gap data by 4 April. Missing these deadlines can lead to a warning notice from the EHRC and formal enforcement action.

Between April and May 2024, the EHRC issued warning and reminder notices to over 600 organisations that had missed the reporting deadline. As a result of the reminders, nearly all of the 600 organisations have provided reports. However, six did not, including:

  • Alpenbest Limited, based in Essex;
  • Drug Development Solutions Limited, based in Cambridgeshire;
  • Apex Prime Care, based in Essex;
  • Norchem Healthcare Limited, based in Manchester;
  • Ultra Electronics Limited, based in London; and
  • Care Quality Services, based in Essex.

If your organisation has 250 or more employees, your gender pay gap data must be reported  each year and this year’s deadline is fast approaching. If you require advice on this matter, please contact our Employment Team.