On 23 November 2023, the Fawcett Society published its findings in a report, ‘Equal Pay Day 2023: Making flexible working the default’. The report notes that, at the current rate of change, the gender pay gap will not close for another 28 years meaning that woman aged 40 and older will have reached state pension age before this happens.
The report mentions that the types of flexibility available to women, such as part time work and varied hours of work may not reflect true flexibility and can be associated with lower pay and insecurity. In contrast, men were more likely to have access to more desirable forms of flexible work.
The report suggests that if flexibility was available in workplaces across a variety of careers and taken up by both men and women, this would lower the gender pay gap.
Click here to read more Equal Pay Day 2023: Unlocking flexible work (fawcettsociety.org.uk)
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