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New court and tribunal hearing lists service to be developed by HMCTS

HM Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) announced earlier this year that they are developing a new online service to allow easier access to court and tribunal hearing lists.

The new online service will be hosted on GOV.UK and will allow the public, lawyers and the media to find court and tribunal hearing lists in a standard format.

HMCTS has confirmed that this service will have a phased-development, meaning that not all lists will be available immediately and more will be added over time. Proposed features for this new service will include a predictive search function so litigants in person and the public can find the hearings they are looking for quickly, as well as a “verification status” for lawyers and the media so that they may be emailed hearing lists.

The new service will be tested throughout the remainder of this year and will be gradually introduced to a select number of courts and tribunals from the Spring.